Wednesday, September 17, 2008

2008 AMSRS National Conference, Melbourne

I have just spent 3 days at the 2008 Australian Market and Social Research Society (AMSRS) National conference in Melbourne. It was a fansatic demonstration of old and young research professionals challenging each other, with the ultimate aim of creating a more effective product for users of research.

There were many highlights and it truly had an international flavor. A few messages really jumped out that i will not forget easily

1. We need to listen more instead of always asking in todays connected world
2. Film is the new currency
3. Measure, measure, measure
4. Lets consider culture and context more in developing research outcomes
5. Shape the future don’t rely on predicting it
6. Good insights are wasted unless you can tell a compelling story

Another observation I made is that everyone is nervous before a presentation to your peers, even the most experienced speakers.

The 2009 conference will be in Sydney in October.

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